S1E1 - Pilot
S1E2- Uncovered Media
S1E3 - Force of Nature
15 min read


Force of Nature is founded by a world famous 22 year old activist, Clover Hogan. This non-profit organization helps young people mobilize their mindsets for climate action.

The website aims to be a digital, and interactive brochure. It has a multitude of features, content and quizzes to help young people deal with anxiety due to climate change. It also serves as a place for educators, businesses and non-profits to understand what the organization does, and lend a helping hand.

A plethora of content - blogs, podcast, research and reports can be found on the website. This website is very close to my heart, since it was my first experience working with a young team, that wants to create an impact on the world stage.

Quick Facts

My Role
Website Lead, User Research, Information Architecture, Low-Fidelity Prototyping,
High-Fidelity Prototyping, Working with CEO, Design Handoff, and Squarespace
Created for
Desktops, Mobile Phones, Tablets
Time frame
March 2021 - September 2021 (6 months)


Impact of the website on the world
Before the pandemic, the team used to travel the world to teach young people. Now, with the website, learning has become more accessible. With increasing number of registrations, people from different parts of the world have now found comfort in dealing with the anxiety of climate change. Large companies and businesses have come out to sponsor the organization and it is just the beginning.
Website Visits
+470% yr/yr
Unique Visits
+460% yr/yr
+44% yr/yr
Form Submissions
+239% yr/yr
Catch a glimpse here!
You can  visit the website and browse around. And if you're impressed, please share it with your friends :) 


Clover Hogan
Founder & Executive Director
Phoebe Hanson
Operations Director
Alejandra Arias
Communications Director
Kathleen Hamilton
Programmes & Partnership Director
Vida Han
Creative Coordinator
Sacha Wright
Research & Curriculum Coordinator
Julia Sams
Graphic Design Lead
Sophie Palmer
Executive Assistant
Zineb Jaoudat
Community Engagement Lead
Shivani Mehta
Design & Squarespace Assistant

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